Grant Guidelines
Ladybug Giving is especially interested in innovative and creative youth, as well as health and wellness projects that benefit both the congregation and the surrounding communities. The ministry project should not be limited to members, but will extend to the community. We encourage grant projects that are collaborative in nature; and is open to other church denominations and community organizations. The projects are only limited to the applicant’s imagination, but must address a community need. Additionally, we are also looking to fund K-5 public school educators for professional development, classroom learning aids, and creative and innovative classroom projects. Classroom projects can include subject matter field trips, or a collaborative classroom project. Again, projects are only limited to the applicant’s imagination.
January-March: Accepting Applications
April-May: Application Review; Award Notification; Award Paperwork
June 1st: Earliest Start Date for a Grant (One Year)
eligibility (Ministry grants)
Applicants must be a church/faith-based organization with 100 or fewer congregational members in North Carolina or Florida.
Applicants must be able to provide proof of church designation.
The proposed activity must have direct congregational or community impact.
Proposals must be signed by the Pastor, Executive Director, or designee.
Previous awardees must wait two application cycles before applying again.
eligibility (CLASSROOM GRANTS)
Applicants must be a K-5 classroom teacher
Applicants must be employed at an under-performing public school in North Carolina or Florida, and show proof of under-performing status.
The proposed activity must directly benefit the classroom and extend student learning
Proposals must be signed by school officials
Previous awardees must wait two years before applying again
Amount and Duration
Ladybug Giving grants ranging from $100 to $500 for any of our current focus areas.
All grants are awarded in May of the submission year. Grant activities can commence as early as June 1st of the awarding year, and extend for up to twelve months (one year). Grant activities, and all expenses must take place during the proposed project period.
Ladybug Giving is not able to fund all grant applications. Depending on the number of applications received, we will try to provide feedback on unfunded grant applications. Unfunded applications can be revised and submitted for consideration during the next grant cycle (January-March). Applicants can submit grants throughout the year, but they will only be reviewed during the grant cycle period. Awardees must wait two years before reapplying.
If invited, a grantee can request an additional $100 in supplemental funding. Supplemental awards are by invitation only. Grantees should not expect to be invited for the additional funds because these funds may not always be available. However, when available, the Supplemental Fund Request will be due by November 30th. Funds will be disbursed in January. These funds will have the same end date as the parent project, and should be used for activities on the parent project.
Funded projects can take up to one year to complete. The proposed project activities and all expenses must occur during the grant period, including the supplemental funds, if awarded. No project periods will exceed twelve months (one year).
When preparing the grant application budget, give serious consideration to what will be needed for a successful project. The itemized budget must show how you plan to spend the funds during the grant period. The budget narrative should explain how the anticipated expenses relate to the project activities.
Budget Regulations
Allowable Expenses (This is not an all inclusive list):
Postage and mailing for invitations
Photocopying project materials, flyers, etc.
Rental of audiovisual equipment
Field Trips
Payment to speakers and facilitators
Meals, food, beverages (limited to 20% of award)
Room/space rental
Transportation for activities related to the project/activity
Conference Registration
Books and Training Materials
Learning tools and supplies
Unallowable Expenses:
Compensation to staff or volunteers
Equipment and computer device purchases
Travel expenses not related to the project/activity
Overhead or general operating expenses
Fundraising activities
Under special circumstances only, funds can be used for the purchase of tickets to the movies, sporting events, theme parks, and concerts, only if they are bible-themed or educational.
Ladybug Giving reserves the right to make adjustments to the budget for awarded projects.
A complete grant application, including the budget section. Grant applications that exceed the budget limit of $500 will not be reviewed. (All Submissions)
A letter of support from a youth member or a parent. (Ministry Submissions Only)
A letter of collaboration from a healthcare facilitator, or a collaborative organization. (Ministry Submissions Only)
Proof that organization is designated a church, or has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. (Ministry Submissions Only)
Proof that public school is classified as under-performing (Classroom Submissions Only)
A more detailed list of the supplemental materials can be found on the Application Process page. The applicant will complete and submit the grant application online. Supplemental materials must be sent separately, via email. Applications without the supplemental materials will not be reviewed.
criteria for selection & application review
The selection process will reflect several preferences. Though these are not requirements, extra points may be awarded to applications that are:
A) Relevant to the mission of Ladybug Giving
B) Collaborative — involving both the community and the church/faith-based congregation
C) Innovative and Creative
D) Beneficial to the students, youth, congregation, and the community
E) Sustainability
Awardees will be notified via email at the email address for the point of contact. The award letter must be signed by the organization’s authorized representative or designee. The signed award letter must be returned to Ladybug Giving within two weeks after the submission date, or the award will be forfeited. A complete award package will be mailed to the point of contact after receipt of the signed award letter. The award package will include a copy of the fully signed award letter, the award check, and detailed instructions on completing and submitting the final report. Checks are made payable to the organization and not to an individual.
Grantees will be required to submit a final report within two months after the project end date. Failure to submit the detailed report will result in having to return the grant funds. The report is narrative in nature, and will include a financial section. All reports must also include at least two photos of the event, a copy of the event flyer, and signed copies of the media release form. Information from the report, including photos (if applicable), will be included in our online newsletter (coming soon). The award package will include more information about the reporting requirements.
*Due to COVID-19, our 2019 and 2020 awardees will submit an abbreviated report. Awardees will be notified of the report format.
Have questions about the grant guidelines, email us at